Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Word Travels Fast Wednesday

A few days ago I posted a blog about a walk down Memory Lane. I was hoping to inspire others to travel back into their past and reflect fondly on their own specific and uniquely special moments. It apparently caught the eye of an Anonymous reader who does not care for my writing style or subject matter.

Mr./Ms. Anonymous is most likely someone who knows me in real life and sincerely believes that they don't like me for whatever reason. Therefore writing a comment on my blog that is personally attacking rather than constructively critical was supposed to devastate me and send me into fits of emotional outrage. In truth, I've found it to be quite amusing. Because of the comment left by Mr./Ms. Anonymous, my readership has sky rocketed in the last 12 hours. I woke this morning to find that close to 150 people had read my blog and specifically had read the post on which Mr./Ms Anonymous felt the overwhelming urge to leave the personally attacking comment. Word travels fast, doesn't it?

I have decided to acknowledge the post at the encouragement of both private and public communications from others. I wanted to bring this situation to light in order to thank Mr./Ms. Anonymous for the free publicity. His or her scathing remarks not only paint a colorful picture of him or her, but more importantly they paint a much more honest and sincere depiction of me. A depiction that apparently more people want to read about. Whether my posts are "lame" or not, someone is out there reading, so I'll keep on writing.

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