Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dedicated Status Update Day One: Sarah Hurt Long

I'm going to follow the lead of one of my former students. The other day she posted this:
"So Ive been thinking a lot and I have decided that every day for the rest of the month, I am going to devote my daily status to someone who has made a difference and impacted my life, big and small." -Ashley Shade

I'm going to do the same.

Today's post is dedicated to Sarah Hurt Long. Sarah lived two houses up from me when I was growing up and might have been one of THE best babysitters EVER! She used to help us choreograph dance routines, write and act in our own plays, set up outdoor adventures, and create scavenger hunts for us. I always felt so stylish when she would give me some of her hand me down clothes. She never treated us like we were anything other than special. She helped us develop our imaginations and creativity. I payed it forward when I started babysitting a few years later. Sarah, I thank you for all of these things and for being so wonderful to us all those years ago.

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